Employers to update ERGANIS with Employment terms -immediate action required to comply

Pursuant to Labour Ministerial Order No. 455.24, issued in December 2024 under the Predictability and Transparency in the Workplace Law (Ν. 25(I)/2023), all employers are required to update the Social Security Services’ online platform, “ERGANIS” (Υ.Ε.Π.Κ.Α. – Πρόσβαση στο Σύστημα), with key employment terms for their workforce.

An example of the type of information that is required to be submitted:

  • Full contact details of the employer and employee;
  • Job description, including the employee’s specialization;
  • Annual leave entitlement and terms of use;
  • Working hours and associated details;
  • Any additional benefits such as commissions, bonuses, etc.

The reporting window for uploading the above data to the ERGANIS platform is from 2nd January 2025 to 28th February 2025. Non-compliance with the Predictability and Transparency in the Workplace Law may expose employers to penalties, including fines of up to EUR 5,500.00.

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